Welcome to HostVirtualBingo.com

Prepare for the BINGO game

  1. Select Generate cards from the top links
  2. Select Add a player
  3. Type the player's name
  4. Type the number of bingo cards that player wants to play for each game
  5. To add additional players repeat steps 2-4 above
  6. Copy the URLs and send to the player next to the link
  7. Click the "Print all cards" button to generate a PDF of all labeled and numbered player cards
  8. Or click the print button on each row next to the player to generate individual PDFs for each player
  9. Optional: save off the player data from the Generate cards page


  1. Optional: Upload your card data if you previously downloaded it
  2. When you are ready to play select Host game from the top links
  3. To randomly draw a BINGO number, select Pick number from the Admin actions section
  4. The randomly selected number will be displayed in the Picked numbers section and highlighted
  5. When a player thinks they have a BINGO, ask for their card number
  6. Type the card number into the "Check Winner" section to check if the player has BINGO
  7. A display will be shown with the player's card, player's name and any possible BINGOs
  8. When you are ready to start a new game, select New game from the Admin actions section
  9. Repeat steps 3-8