Frequently asked questions

Q: Sounds great, how can I create an account?
A: No account is necessary, just Generate BINGO cards.

Q: Where do I give you my name, email address, phone number, and credit card information?
A: I do not need or want any of that information thank you.

Q: How do generate BINGO cards for a virtual game that I am hosting?
A: Generate BINGO cards

Q: How do I randomly draw BINGO numbers?
A: Use the Admin Console to randomly draw and keep track of numbers.

Q: How can I easily check if someone won or not?
A: Enter the winning card number into the Admin Console "Check Winner" section.

Q: If everything is free and there are zero advertisements how do you make any money?
A: I don't, this is just for fun! There are costs, however, with keeping this site running, please donate to keep the site running.

Q: After I generate BINGO cards, how long do I have to use them?
A: You can use the generated links anytime. The player info is stored in your browser cookie for ~30 days, so if you are not planning on playing right away, I would recommend saving your card data to your device via the Save button on the Generate cards page. You can then upload that file later when you are ready to play with those cards.

Q: How many players can play in my virtual BINGO game?
A: You may have up to 50 players.

Q: How many BINGO cards can a single player play?
A: A single player can play up to 10 BINGO cards.

Q: How do you win BINGO?
A: The site supports many types of BINGO wins. Please refer to the rules.

Q: What if I just want to print my BINGO cards out and play the old fashioned way?
A: No problem! You can now generate PDF documents with all of your cards from the Generate cards page. If you click the " Print all cards" button, the site will generate a single PDF document with all of your labeled and numbered players cards. If you click the print button "" on a specific row of the Generated Bingo Cards table, the site will generate a PDF document with all of the cards for only that player. Additionally, each player will have a button on their card to generate a PDF to print that individual card.